Sunday, January 6, 2019

The sea was angry that day my friend..

So we had the best laid plans... however we were smart enough to alter them. If you look at the previous post our plan was to head south on the Folly River into the ocean and skirt the coast of Folly and Morris into the Harbor. Well just getting to the south side of Folly was a tack fest and then when we go there we were literally surrounded by breakers. After surveying our options, all of which looked questionable, I made the executive decision to head back. This was cake since the wind we were fighting was now whisking us along. We de-masted for the first time to get under the Folly bridge and then weaved our way up to the Morris Island Lighthouse. I really wish I would have taken a picture b/c it was a neat approach. The breakers to get our there were completely manageable and we went through between the lighthouse and a sandbar. As we approached the jetties the ocean was rolling. Morgan and I think consistent 3ft swells and the occasional larger one. We surfed and got swamped in the troughs. We crossed the jetties 50 yards from Morris Island and it was basically a slow approach to make sure no rocks were showing and then a quick sprint by. Once in the harbor the wind (which was supposed to have died down by now) was directly in our faces. That combined with an outgoing tide made for slow going. Sumter to Sullivan's. Sumter to Sullivan's. Our plans were to get to the County Park but with it being 2PM that was out. So we decided to fight our way into Shem Creek and call in the transport (thanks Mom). Awesome day with so much learning. An example is when you run aground and we did multiple times just pull everything and the boat will float in 6 inches of water. So grab the dagger, rudder, and drives and you can paddle away. Another is only 1 trampoline. If we had 2 Morg wouldn't be able to help at all when paddling is needed. How to strike the mast and many more. We get more prepared every time!
I know the track is hard to follow but that's because we double backed. Look at the numbers.
 That's south of Folly River and you can see the chop. So much more to come.

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